Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Stuff I've Learned

So this is my first blog post baby. My pre-baby intention was to blog regularly once she was here - ha ha ha haaaaaa - a hilarious thought knowing what I know now!! This will only be a short post (I think! Let's see how we go) but I'm using it to dip my toe back in the water so to speak and then intend to get back into the routine of a full swim!

I had a little girl, Etta - an absolute little star and only now, at a year old, have I been able to sit down and dedicate a little bit of time to writing away. As much as I absolutely adore what I deem as precious time with her now I'm back at work, I do look forward to her two-hour Saturday morning snoozes on daddy - I use the first hour of 'my' time singing and dancing to Flashdance and Grease whilst washing and drying my hair - even mocking up a little welding scenario to 'She's a Maniac' - guilty pleasure :)

So what have I learnt in the last year? I figured this was a good place to start and to get my digits type-happy again:

#1 Having a poo is the best, most pro-active, fun part of the day. The one five minutes in the day where I can be in a room, just me (unless the dog decides to pop in - welcome to the joys of our home!) reading the news, checking social media and messages - apologies to all those I have replied to whilst on the loo but this is my life now! I have informed my lovely colleagues that if they get a reply to an email on a Friday (the day I'm not in work) then there's a massive chance it was a mid-poo-reply! Sorry guys but I wear my heart on my sleeve - we're a close team and all that ;)

#2 Postman Pat Special Delivery has nothing to do with delivering parcels but should instead be called Postman Pat - 'Man (& black and white cat) with a Van'. Doesn't stop me singing the theme tune all day however. Gone are the days I'd be humming Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire.

#3 Bing is a little s*it. Sorry, but I've said it. Flop needs to sort him out whilst he's young coz he's a ruddy nightmare! On that note, who IS Flop? Tragically, a friend and I actually had this very conversation - is it his dad / carer / uncle who took him in?? Or as my friend believes, his mentor?? Answers on a postcard please!

#4 Becoming a mum is life-changing, tough and shattering at times, but beyond worth it. It's quite honestly the most fun I've ever had / am having. No-one else would get away with tiring me out this much and making life as topsy turvy as she does

#5 Babies are psychic. Once down in their cot, they know if you have just (delete where appropriate) sat down with a drink / sat down with a meal / sat down on the loo / started a film or any hobby related activity / closed your eyes - and that's when they choose their moment to wake up again. I am desperately searching for Etta's crystal ball every time this happens

#6 Suddenly life is so much more interesting, even doing the 'big shop' is now an activity filled with fun with tonnes to see and do. I love finding new things to point out or new words to say and revel in her shouting 'peas' or 'cat' in the pet aisle, or much to the laughter of half of Sainsbury's recently, "Cock-a-doodle-do" near the eggs

#7 I ruddy LOVE my sleep but can't believe how used to being constantly shattered I am. Having a job which often involves filming into the early hours, I remember the days I would get home at 2am, then sleep til 9 and get in work for 10. These days, if I get in at 2, I'll organise her things for the next day til half 2, get four hours sleep then help the hubbie get her ready for nursery at 7 (seeing her before nursery far outweighs any slumber) - something that had you have told me years ago, would've acted as a perfect method of birth control but you know what.. now? I wouldn't have it any other way :)

So, there we are. My first post-baby blog. Whoop. I've just cheesily internally high-fived myself. Hoping to really get back into this now but let's face it, she'll probably wake-up each time I sit down to start..and yes, I'm writing this on the loo ;)

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